Friday 7 July 2017

Day 83 - Finally Improvement

Good lord, the itching has finally subsided!!! For the entire week I've been battle this terrible, horrific itching that demands and screams out to be scratched. I had several guesses on the cause but I'm still unable to identify it for sure. The few things that have changed:

- menses has ended
- stopped taking the additional chinese herbs
- switched from egoderm to suubalm as advised by my TCM accupuncurist

I can't tell for sure which it is, but this is definitely a positive step forward. The last few days were agonising, fighting the itch and losing. As i scratched, i tore my skin up and sighed with frustration at the many backward steps, not to mention i could scarcely concentrate on anything that i was doing without breaking into a scratch fest. Yes, even at work.

Anyway that's gone for now, and my skin is much calmer now.

I can do several things that I haven't been able to in the last 2 months - clenching my fists together, holding a fork and knife to slice up my food, hold and write with a pen, even holding things in general with my right hand. Previously, all these caused me pain because my fingers were so swollen and inflammed. Now I can do all these again.

Hurray for little victories!

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