Friday 23 June 2017

Day 69

Woke up this morning with badly itching hands. I had to take half a day off from work to tend to them, going through multiple cycles of creaming, intense itching, washing under running water. Had a mini meltdown as i sat at my home desk crying and scratching uncontrollably, surrounded by piles of tissue paper and dead skin that i had either peeled from hands or flakes that fell out whilst itching.

It took several hours before my hands settled. For me, my hands are at their worst in the mornings. I suspect this is due to the super-drying a/c. Am seriously considering getting a standing fan to use in my room (we only have an a/c, but no fan in there). Also, the redness / eczema is spreading.

I am terribly afraid of mornings now :(

In other better news, towards evening, my hands began looking much less dry and scaly. The swelling is ever-present but the skin that peeled off yesterday did not grow back, so this contributed to the 'normal' look.

I also tried out Egoderm ointment for the first time.  It is made up of 15% zinc oxide, which gives it a shockingly paste white look. On the plus side, I didn't itch as badly as i normally would with my regular Egoderm cream!

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