Thursday 22 June 2017

Day 68 - Work Woes

Ever since the onset of my eczema, numerous colleagues had been expressing their concern over the state of my hands - not pleasant at all when the last thing i want to do is draw attention to them. The cringing and horrified expressions only made it that much worse. For my own sanity's sake, I had to tell them that their comments were making me feel bad and I hope not to talk about my hands anymore.

More than that, i really needed to know if this was forming a negative impression in the eyes of the management. Fortunately, my boss was quick to reassure me that nothing of that sort was happening. These talks have been good for me and much stress - workwise - has been lifted.

Today is also the 2nd day of my acupuncture treatment.

Having mixed reactions to the results. Skin is very quickly peeling off, which is normally a good thing. However underneath the peeling skin is raw, pink vesiculated skin - not a good thing! Will see how it goes subsequently. Physician has commented that it might be an adverse reaction to the food that I ate (tze char - yam ring and beehoon). Fingers are still badly swollen, can't fully open or close them.

Meanwhile, am still having difficulty handling things. i managed to work around these issues by eg. using a sling bag for lunch, only wearing loose fitting slip on dresses with zippers, and wrapping tissue paper around my computer stylus.

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