Monday 26 June 2017

Day 72

Today I applied zinc oxide again. To be specific, it's Egoderm Ointment, which contains 15% of that stuff.

A few hours after application, I washed it all off because it completely dried out my skin and my hands were feeling super tight and itchy. To my amazement, there were several patches of normal, non-red skin on the back of my right hand now. I'm ecstatic because if this isn't a sign of improvement I don't know what is!
I've been very diligently taking my herbal drink and supplements, so this most definitely is contributing.

I also had a long weekend and managed to stay A/C free for a good part of the day.

I don't know what played the biggest part, but as my hubby keeps telling me, everything counts.

The redness and dry skin is still spreading though (i suspect scratching causes this) so it's way too early to say that my hands are healing, but signs of improvement are certainly welcome.

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