Saturday 1 July 2017

Day 76

Last night was one of the worst flares I've had in recent weeks. The itching lasted a good hour or more before i took an antihistamine pill, knocked myself out and went to bed.

Right now my hands are still very stiff, sore, painful and stinging. Some itching that I'm very very careful about in case i scratch it and trigger another itch attack.
It's still spreading which is super depressing.

I want to try to conjure up some positivity but i can't. I only hope to be able to take solace in the passing of time and eventual healing.

Not sure if i want to continue with the new herbs.

At least the swelling on my fingers has gone down. I'm now. Able to clench my fists again, save for my second finger.

Also,trying to let go of expectations.

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