Saturday 1 July 2017

Day 76

itch. fucking itchy, all over my hands and right wrist.

tcm dr said that the herbs will cause the toxin to spread out and get milder. also, that during my period, the flare will worsen. very kindly, he gave me an additional dosage of herbs to curb the spreading. today was the first day. it's supposed to be a drying herb.

at dinner, i had yoshinoya + fried chicken wings, dried horfun for lunch.

now i'm itching like crazy.

i don't know which of the above it is.

i'm just still very scared, uncertain, anxious, worried, everything.

Had to pause and head to bathroom to run my hands under running water. still itchy. applied egoderm zinc oxide ointment. FINALLY itching has stopped. not completely stopped, but enough so that i can get on with whatever i'm doing. except that now im no longer in the mood.

hb thinks its the newly introduced herbs, but i highly suspect it's yoshinoya.

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