Sunday 18 June 2017

Day 65 - A Glimmer of Hope

Day 2 after visit to the TCM doctor.

I have since consumed 3 cups (after lunch and after dinner) of the herbal concoction drink that doc has prescribed to me.

A tiny miracle seems to be happening. I can now peel the thickened, dead skin off my hands without any ooze or blistered skin underneath. A small but significant improvement from the past 2 week, when peeling skin would reveal gross, soggy red skin with little red dots, and lots of ooze. Should I chalk it down to the drink? I feel like there's a high possibility because my skin hasn't been this ooze free in almost 2 weeks now. I even had 'junk' food over the weekends - Nasi Lemak, Mookata and honey chicken wings. Reminder to self to return to eating cleanly come tomorrow.

I'm not sure if peeling off the dead skin is a good idea, however, since the super soft and pink skin underneath itches like a bitch. And because it's so soft and unblemished, the temptation to scratch is increased. I have yet to be able to test out the theory that scratching induces more scratching, since I haven't been able to not scratch. I did find that running my hands under cold tap water stops the itch. That has been my itch-stopping strategy so far. Sometimes I make multiple trips to the bathroom because I start scratching all over again. Other than that, it works. Also, keeping my mind distracted helps a great deal. Once my mind gets into the 'scratch-zone', it is near impossible to get it out of there!

Anyway, I am feeling a glimmer of hope right now.  Doc has said, with no small amount of confidence, that his acupuncture treatment will prove effective enough to treat the flare up for the next 4-5 days, relieving the symptom so that the skin will heal itself.

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