Tuesday 13 June 2017

Day 59 - Seeking Treatment

i thought i could handle this on my own, with candida and eczema diets and supplements, but i'm wrong. i wanted to return with triumph to the derm who had gave me a life sentence of steroid treatment, but i can't. at least not for now. that doesn't mean i won't do that in future, it just means now is not the time.

In the few weeks that followed after my return from Bangkok, I had a brief break of 3-4 days. After which a very bad flare came on which quickly spread across my palms and back of my hands (i have NEVER had eczema there before).

This has terrified me so much that i have decided to seek treatment. a colleague had talked to me about how tcm cured her of her psoriasis and i want to give tcm another shot. obviously not with shitty dr ong. this time round, i have found another physician who deals with TSW - yes at this point, i'm starting to suspect that is what i'm experiencing.

withholding his name for the time being, while i experiment with this new treatment

pic below is what freaked me out so badly that i was cowed into seeking outside assistance at last. however i have much hope that this will all turn out right. you can see how the redness has spread and is now glaring and unmistakably RSS, albeit localised on my hands.

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