Thursday 25 May 2017

Day 40

Several days after the staph infection had subsided, i was due for a trip to bangkok that i had already booked months ago. so gamely, i set off together with hubby.

my condition had calmed down considerably the few days before our trip. but i think the stress of traveling, the air, the water, the intense heat and the food, all culminated and i started flaring again. this time, no infection, but my palm was torn up and split open.

when we got back to singapore, i went back to my mum's place to hide out for a few days. i also wanted to find out if it was the cats that was triggering my eczema.

anyway, here are some pics that i took when i got back.

A different sort of disgusting, particularly second finger - my second finger was itching badly the last few days and now i finally knew why. notice the old, smooth skin still miserably clinging on, as new and rotting skin appeared under the surface.

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